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Differs from the Pretty format in that the table is displayed with a grid drawn between rows. Because of this the result is more compact.


This format is used by default in the command-line client in interactive mode.

Example Usage

Format Settings

The following settings are common to all Pretty formats:

output_format_pretty_max_rowsRow limit for Pretty formats.10000
output_format_pretty_max_column_pad_widthMaximum width to pad all values in a column in Pretty formats.250
output_format_pretty_max_value_widthMaximum width of value to display in Pretty formats. If greater - it will be cut.10000
output_format_pretty_colorUse ANSI escape sequences to paint colors in Pretty formats.true
output_format_pretty_grid_charsetCharset for printing grid borders. Available charsets: ASCII, UTF-8.UTF-8
output_format_pretty_row_numbersAdd row numbers before each row for pretty output format.true
output_format_pretty_display_footer_column_namesDisplay column names in the footer if table contains many rows.true
output_format_pretty_display_footer_column_names_min_rowsSets the minimum number of rows for which a footer will be displayed if output_format_pretty_display_footer_column_names is enabled.50